Our Mission
Welcome to Faithful Emet !
Here at Faithful Emet (Truth) we strive in sharing the gospel to everyone ! That is why we choose to glorify God in all that we do ! All of our unique pieces are not only a way to evangelize to others but an affirmation to you of who you are in Christ ! Every Order also receives a FREE BIBLE for you to use or to give to someone! Be bold in your faith and share the truth of Gods love ! Let our pieces be a reminder to you and everyone that God is with us and is seeking relationship with us. As one body let us proclaim the truth that God is good !
We also strive to give back to the community by donating 13% of our profits to charity ! We must love one another as we are instructed and created to do so let us move with zeal towards the kingdom of God ! Let us be walking in the spirit being evidence of the one who created and saved us !
The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The Lord make his face shine upon the and be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.” Number 6:24-26
With Love,
Faithful Emet